
AIEL-Bologna Workshop "Advances in Research on Labour Market Policies”

Start: 28-05-2025
End: 29-05-2025
Location: University of Bologna

The Italian Association of Labour Economics (AIEL) and the Department of Economics (DSE) of the University of Bologna are pleased to announce the workshop “Advances in Research on Labour Market Policies”, to be held in Bologna on 28 and 29 May 2025. The programme will include invited lectures and contributed sessions. The workshop will provide a forum to present ongoing research in labour economics, focusing on the role of active and passive labour market policies in influencing labour supply, job match quality, and related issues.
The keynote speakers will be Rafael Lalive (University of Lausanne) and Andrea Weber (Central European University).

AIEL-Padua Workshop on the Economics of Human Capital

Start: 14-03-2024
End: 15-03-2024
Location: University of Padua

The Italian Association of Labour Economics (AIEL) and the Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno" of the University of Padua are pleased to announce the workshop “The Economics of Human Capital: Early Determinants, Persistent Inequalities and Effective Policies”, to be held in Padua on 14 and 15 March 2024. The programme will include invited lectures and contributed sessions. The workshop will provide a forum to present ongoing research on the economics of human capital and the effectiveness of related policies.
The keynote speakers will be Margherita Fort (University of Bologna) and Kjell Salvanes (Norwegian School of Economics).

Workshop AIEL-INPS Disuguaglianza salariale

Start: 09-05-2023
End: 09-05-2023
Location: Palazzo Wedekind

L’AIEL, in collaborazione con la Direzione centrale Studi e Ricerche INPS, organizza il workshop Disuguaglianza salariale - Uno sguardo a diverse determinanti con i dati amministrativi dell’INPS, in programma a Roma il 9 maggio 2023. Nel corso dell’evento saranno presentate alcune ricerche realizzate nell’ambito del programma VisitINPS Scholars, seguite da una tavola rotonda.

AIEL-Genoa Spring Workshop on Labour Market Institutions

Start: 26-05-2022
End: 27-05-2022
Location: Department of Economics of the University of Genoa

The AIEL-Italian Association of Labour Economics and the PhD in Economics and Political Economy of the University of Genoa announce a two-day workshop on Labour Market Institutions that will take place on the 26th and 27th May 2022. The workshop will bring together leading international speakers working on the topics of labour market institutions with researchers interested in the topic and young scholars. With this aim, there will be a special poster session for PhD students

Prize for Best Poster of 500 Euros will be awarded. The selection will be made by the members of the Scientific Committee. The winner will be announced on the second day, before closing the workshop.

Invited SpeakersBijorn Brugemann (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Claudio Lucifora (Università Cattolica di Milano), Pedro Martins (Nova School of Business and Economics), Giovanni Pica (Università della Svizzera Italiana), Alexandra Spitz-Oener (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Bruno Van der Linden (UCLouvain), Jan Van Ours (Erasmus University Rotterdam).

AIEL-INPS International Workshop on Immigration: Challenges and Opportunities for European Policy and Politics

Start: 27-06-2018
End: 27-06-2018
Location: Rome

AIEL and INPS (the Italian Social Security Institute) are happy to announce the international workshop 

"Immigration: Challenges and Opportunities for European Policy and Politics".

The Workshop will take place on June 27th, 2018, at Palazzo Wedekind, INPS, Rome.

Invited speakers and round table panelists:

Giovanni Peri, Mario Centeno, Tim Hatton, Peter Bosch, Tito Boeri

Submission deadline:

April 10th, 2017

Please consider submitting a paper by sending a complete draft to


Dalla scala mobile al "Jobs act": L'AIEL e il processo di riforma del mercato del lavoro

Start: 27-11-2015
End: 27-11-2015
Location: LUISS Guido Carli

Nel corso dei suoi 30 anni di vita, l’Aiel ha contribuito al dibattito economico e sociale fornendo, attraverso i convegni e le pubblicazioni scientifiche, un prezioso contribuito all’analisi del funzionamento del mercato del lavoro italiano e alle politiche del lavoro.

In occasione del 30mo anniversario di attività l’Aiel ha organizzato il 27 novembre a Roma, presso l’Università LUISS Guido Carli, un dibattito sulle politiche del lavoro con esperti, politici e attori della politica economica per discutere il ruolo dell'Aiel nel processo di trasformazione del mercato del lavoro italiano.

E' possibile scaricare i seguenti interventi:

Claudio Lucifora (Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore di Milano), 1985-2015: l’AIEL e il mercato del lavoro in Italia

Marco Leonardi (Università Statale di Milano e Ministero dell’Economia), Tommaso Nannicini (Università Bocconi e Presidenza del Consiglio), La riforma del lavoro del governo Renzi: qualche (primo) commento

Health at Work

Start: 12-06-2015
End: 12-06-2015
Location: Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris

The "Health at Work" Workshop, organized jointly by AIEL, CEPREMAP and Dauphine Université Paris, will be held on Friday 12th June 2015 at the Cité Universitaire in Paris. The focus of the workshop will be on health issues that primarily concern workers and working conditions on the labour market. Some examples of topics of interest are: the effects of working conditions on health, health and retirement decisions, health, safety and work injuries, the health effects of employment status, the work capacity of senior workers, long careers and health .

The invited speakers are: Gerard van den Berg (Mannheim), Petri Böckerman (Turku), Nabanita Datta Gupta (Aarhus), Sergi Jimenez-Martin (UPF), Maarten Lindeboom (Amsterdam), Petter Lundborg (Lund University) and Ioannis Theodossiou (Aberdeen).

Workshop Website.

To download the Program click here.

Workshop Relazioni industriali, produttività e crescita in Italia

Start: 18-10-2013
End: 18-10-2013

25esimo Anniversario dalla scomparsa di Ezio Tarantelli, Occupazione, relazioni industriali e capitale umano. L’attualità del pensiero di Ezio Tarantelli

Start: 26-03-2010
End: 27-03-2010

In occasione del Convegno è stato consegnato il premio "Ezio Tarantelli" che l'AIEL assegna agli autori del miglior contributo presentato alla XXIV Conferenza Annuale degli Economisti del Lavoro, tenutasi a Sassari il 24 e 25 settembre 2009. I vincitori di quest'anno sono risultati ex-equo i due seguenti lavori: Inefficient Self-selection into Education and Wage Inequality in Italy di Patrizia Ordine e Giuseppe Rose; How Does Immigration Affect Native Internal Mobility? New Evidence from Italy di Sauro Mocetti e Carmine Porello. Roma