Template-Type: ReDIF-Book 1.0 Editor-Name: Floro Ernesto Caroleo Editor-Email: caroleo@uniparthenope.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università di Napoli Parthenope Editor-Name: Sergio Destefanis Editor-Email: destefanis@unisa.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università di Salerno Title: The European Labour Market. Regional Dimensions Provider-Name: Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro Abstract: This book brings together up-to-date findings on the regional dimensions of European labour markets. It provides a conceptual and empirical study of the interactions between the European economy and its regions, paying particular attention to the issue of the transition of Central and Eastern European countries to a market economy. The topics analysed include: the structure of the shocks affecting employment (regional, industrial, national), the relationships between labour market efficiency and the regional distribution of unemployment, wage flexibility in EU member countries or in their regions, the role of active labour market policies in affecting the regional distribution of employment and unemployment. Classification-JEL: J22, J62. Keywords: European Labour Markets, Regional Employment and Wages, Central and Eastern Europe, Labour Market Efficiency. Note: Published by Physica-Verlag Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-7908-1679-2. HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-01 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-02 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-03 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-04 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-05 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-06 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-07 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-08 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-09 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-10 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-11 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-12 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-13 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-14 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:01-15 Year: 2006 File-URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/3-7908-1680-9/page/1 File-Format: text/html File-Restriction: external link Handle: RePEc:ail:labook:01 Template-Type: ReDIF-Book 1.0 Editor-Name: Nicola Acocella Editor-Email: nicola.acocella@uniroma1.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università di Roma La Sapienza Editor-Name: Riccardo Leoni Editor-Email: riccardo.leoni@unibg.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università di Bergamo Title: Social Pacts, Employment and Growth. A Reappraisal of Ezio Tarantelli’s Thought Provider-Name: Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro Abstract: Social pacts have long been a centrepiece of European politics. They are characterized by negotiations among government, employers, workers, and other interest groups over wages and other economic issues. With the growth of globalization and pervasiveness of knowledge, some economists have called for a reduced role of social pacts and centralized wage bargaining, to be replaced by increased flexibility in labour agreements; others argue in favour of social pacts with contents and orientation different from those that have characterized the last three decades. In this book leading European economists examine the current status of social pacts and their future. Particular focus is placed on the ideas of Ezio Tarantelli, a young Italian economist killed by Red Brigades in 1985. He thought that trade unions could play a positive role by agreeing to set wages on the basis of a target rate of inflation. Therefore, they would contribute to economic and social stability through influencing future price expectations, protecting real wages. But, if inflation did erode real wages, government could compensate unions through increased social expenditure. As the European Union expands and social change accelerates, this book will be of interest to all concerned with social and economic developments across Europe. Classification-JEL: B31, J52, E02. Keywords: Collective Bargaining, Incomes Policies, Macroeconomic Performance, Social Pacts, Trade Unions. Note: Published by Physica-Verlag Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-7908-1915-1. HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-01 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-02 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-03 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-04 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-05 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-06 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-07 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-08 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-09 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-10 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-11 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-12 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-13 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:02-14 Year: 2007 File-URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-7908-1923-6/page/1 File-Format: text/html File-Restriction: external link Handle: RePEc:ail:labook:02 Template-Type: ReDIF-Book 1.0 Editor-Name: Marco Musella Editor-Email: marmusel@unina.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università di Napoli Federico II Editor-Name: Sergio Destefanis Editor-Email: destefanis@unisa.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università di Salerno Title: Paid and Unpaid Labour in the Social Economy. An International Perspective Provider-Name: Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro Abstract: This book provides an up-to-date analytical and empirical treatment of some important interactions between paid and unpaid labour and the social economy. The emphasis on the motivations for paid and unpaid labour, and on how these factors contribute to efficiently providing social services, gives a clear empirical counterpart to the concept of social economy. The book begins with a theoretical perspective on the development and characteristics of paid and unpaid labour in social services. Several empirical analyses, largely using novel data sets, are then provided about these phenomena in Italy, a country which has drawn broad international attention in this field, as well as in other European countries and in the US. Topics of particular interest include: preferences regarding and satisfaction with paid and unpaid labour; ownership structure and risk; ownership structure, remuneration and incentives for paid labour; characteristics of volunteer labour and its relationship with social capital endowment across Italian regions; and a comparative analysis of labour in the nonprofit sector across Europe. Classification-JEL: L31, J22, A13, I00. Keywords: Incentives and Remuneration, Labour Markets in Service Industry, Regional Economics, Social Economy, Unpaid Labour. Note: Published by Physica-Verlag Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-7908-2136-9. HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-01 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-02 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-03 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-04 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-05 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-06 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-07 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-08 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-09 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-10 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-11 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-12 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-13 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:03-14 Year: 2009 Month: File-URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-7908-2137-6/page/1 File-Format: text/html File-Restriction: external link Handle: RePEc:ail:labook:03 Template-Type: ReDIF-Book 1.0 Editor-Name: Floro Ernesto Caroleo Editor-Email: caroleo@uniparthenope.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università di Napoli Parthenope Editor-Name: Francesco Pastore Editor-Email: francesco.pastore@unina2.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Seconda Università di Napoli Title: The Labour Market Impact of the EU Enlargement. A New Regional Geography of Europe? Provider-Name: Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro Abstract: Until recently, regional labour market imbalances were considered transitory phenomena, a consequence of state failure in generating distorted investment incentives in depressed regions as well as of excessive labour market rigidities. Labour mobility and wage flexibility were at the core of the debate over the causes of and cures for regional labour market imbalances. This book bears witness to the changed perspective of research on these issues. In the recent literature, internal labour migration is depicted as a cause of further divergence between advanced and backward regions, as higher returns on human and physical capital are expected to be paid in those regions where these factors are already concentrated. The book contributes to the debate by presenting important new findings on: a) the reasons why structural change in some sectors causes a slump in some regions, but not in others; b) the extent to which poverty traps explain regional imbalances as compared to such other alternative factors as spatial dependence and nonlinearity in growth behaviour; c) the degree of convergence across EU countries and regions; d) the role of labour mobility in reducing/increasing regional labour market imbalances, in particular in Central and Eastern Europe; e) the role of an active labour market policy and child care facilities in alleviating the hardship of the weakest segments of the population. Classification-JEL: C14; C21; C31; J5; J61; J63; J64; L72; P25; R23. Keywords: EU Enlargement, Labour Markets, Regional Economics, Regional Policy, Unemployment. Note: Published by Physica-Verlag Heidelberg. ISBN:978-3-7908-2163-5. HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-01 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-02 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-03 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-04 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-05 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-06 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-07 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-08 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-09 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-10 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-11 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:04-12 Year: 2010 File-URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-7908-2164-2/page/1 File-Format: text/html File-Restriction: external link Handle: RePEc:ail:labook:04 Template-Type: ReDIF-Book 1.0 Editor-Name: Giuliana Parodi Editor-Email: parodi@unich.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università “G. d'Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara Editor-Name: Dario Sciulli Editor-Email: d.sciulli@unich.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università “G. d'Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara Title: Social Exclusion. Short and Long Term Causes and Consequences Provider-Name: Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro Abstract: This book provides a panoramic approach to social exclusion, with emphasis on structural causes (education, health, accidents) and on short term causes connected with the crisis which started in 2008. The picture emerging, based on econometric analysis, is that the crisis has widened the risk of social exclusion, from the structural groups, like disabled people and formerly convicted people, to other groups, like the young, unemployed, low skilled workers and immigrants, in terms of income, poverty, health, unemployment, transition between occupational statuses, participation, leading to a widening of socio-economic duality. It has also been stressed the relevance of definitions of socio-economic outcomes for the evaluation of the crisis, and their consequences to define interventions to fight socio-economic effects of the economic downturn. The adequacy of welfare policies to cope with social exclusion, especially during a crisis, has been called into question. Classification-JEL: I32, J14, J24, J60. Keywords: Disadvantaged groups, Economic crisis, Labour market, Poverty, Social exclusion. Note: Published by Physica-Verlag Heidelberg. ISBN:978-3-7908-2771-2. HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-01 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-02 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-03 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-04 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-05 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-06 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-07 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-08 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-09 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-10 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-11 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:05-12 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-7908-2772-9/page/1 File-Format: text/html File-Restriction: external link Handle: RePEc:ail:labook:05 Template-Type: ReDIF-Book 1.0 Editor-Name: Tindara Addabbo Editor-Email: addabbo.tindara@unimore.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia Editor-Name: Giovanni Solinas Editor-Email: solinas.giovanni@unimore.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia Title: Non-Standard Employment and Quality of Work. The Case of Italy Provider-Name: Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro Abstract: The international literature on non-standard employment has mostly focussed on its impact on employment, and more recently on working and living conditions. This volume explores these issues with special reference to Italy. Italy is characterized by very low participation rates (particularly women’s), a high degree of fragmentation of labour contracts and a very intense non-standard work diffusion that make this context a particularly interesting case for analysis. New elements of discussion are provided with reference to the interaction of non-standard work, employment probability and living conditions. Interesting insights on the impact of non-standard work on the transition to stable employment and workers’ careers emerge, suggesting a possible failure of companies’ internal systems of work evaluation. The effects on labour productivity and on companies’ performance are analysed. Within this framework, a new perspective on quality of work is suggested. Classification-JEL: J21, J22, L25, J24, J13, J16, J42. Keywords: Flexibility, Gender, Non-Standard Employment, Quality of Work, Working Time. Note: Published by Physica-Verlag Heidelberg. ISBN:978-3-7908-2105-5. HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-01 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-02 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-03 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-04 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-05 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-06 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-07 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-08 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-09 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-10 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-11 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-12 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:06-13 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-7908-2164-2/page/1 File-Format: text/html File-Restriction: external link Handle: RePEc:ail:labook:06 Template-Type: ReDIF-Book 1.0 Editor-Name: Dario Sciulli Editor-Email: d.sciulli@unich.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università "G. D'Annunzio" di Pescara-Chieti Editor-Name: Miguel Ángel Malo Editor-Email: malo@usal.es Editor-Workplace-Name: University of Salamanca Title: Disadvantaged Workers Provider-Name: Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro Abstract: This book includes empirical contributions focusing on disadvantaged workers. According to the European Commission’s definition, disadvantaged workers include categories of workers with difficulties entering the labour market without assistance and, hence, requiring the application of public measures aimed at improving their employment opportunities. In addition to the labour market perspective, this is also relevant in terms of social cohesion, which is one of the central objectives of the European Union and of its Member States. This work deals with the most relevant groups of disadvantaged workers, namely disabled workers, young workers, women living in depressed areas, migrants in the labour market and the long-term unemployed, and analyses the situation in the Italian, Spanish and some African labour markets. The determinants of disadvantage in the labour market are investigated, highlighting both the role of supply variables, including structural factors, and the weakness on the demand side, the role of the economic crisis, and the ineffectiveness of some labour policies. A complex framework emerges in which disadvantaged groups may share common problems, both in terms of integration into the labour market and in terms of working conditions, but often require group-specific policies, taking into account their intergroup heterogeneity. Classification-JEL: Keywords: Disadvantaged workers, Econometric models, Labour market, Labour policy, Policy evaluation Note: Published by Physica-Verlag Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-319-04375-3. HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-01 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-02 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-03 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-04 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-05 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-06 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-07 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-08 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-09 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-10 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-11 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-12 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-13 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:07-14 Year: 2014 File-URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-04376-0 File-Format: text/html File-Restriction: external link Handle: RePEc:ail:labook:07 Template-Type: ReDIF-Book 1.0 Editor-Name: Chiara Mussida Editor-Email: chiara.mussida@unicatt.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano Editor-Name: Francesco Pastore Editor-Email: francesco.pastore@unina2.it Editor-Workplace-Name: Seconda Università di Napoli Title: Geographical Labor Market Imbalances. Recent Explanations and Cures Provider-Name: Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro Abstract: This book focuses the questions of how territorial differences in productivity levels and unemployment rates arise in the first place and why territorial differences in labor market performance persist over time. Unemployment divergence and unemployment club convergence have been touched on in a large number of works and have recently also been studied using spatial econometric analysis. In this book we aim to develop the debate to include several important new topics, such as: reasons why structural changes in some sectors cause slumps in some regions but not in others; the extent to which agglomeration factors explain regional imbalances; the degree of convergence/divergence across EU countries and regions; the role of labor mobility in reducing/increasing regional labor market imbalances; the impact of EU and country-level regional policy in stimulating convergence; and the (unsatisfactory) role of active labor market policy in stimulating labor supply in the weakest economic areas. Classification-JEL: Keywords: Note: Published by Physica-Verlag Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-642-55202-1 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-01 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-02 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-03 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-04 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-05 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-06 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-07 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-08 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-09 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-10 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-11 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-12 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-13 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-14 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-15 HasChapter: RePEc:ail:chapts:08-16 Year: 2015 File-URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-642-55203-8 File-Format: text/html File-Restriction: external link Handle: RePEc:ail:labook:08